5 Stunning Betta Fish Tank Themes That’ll Earn You Bragging Rights

5 Stunning Betta Fish Tank Themes That’ll Earn You Bragging Rights

Setting up a unique betta fish tank is an exciting way to take your hobby from simple to dazzling. However, the tricky part is finding fish-friendly ornaments to keep your project hazard-free. While decorating, fishkeepers like you and me, lose too many fish from the toxic minerals found in aquarium toys and decorations. I’ve started…

The Ideal Betta Fish Temperature Range and Why It Matters
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The Ideal Betta Fish Temperature Range and Why It Matters

Are you keeping your betta at the right temperature? Depending on their species, various betta fish require different water temperatures. And if your betta is living in an aquarium with the incorrect temperature, it can be detrimental to their health—or even cause death. In this article, you’ll learn what happens to your better fish when the…

Fish Tank Problems: 10 Disasters & How to Prevent Them

Fish Tank Problems: 10 Disasters & How to Prevent Them

Besides being enjoyable to watch, keeping a home aquarium can provide pet education and stress relief…but disaster can quickly strike. Having your fish die due to mysterious fish tank problems can turn a hobby that once brought you joy into a huge source of distress. Here are 10 fish tank disasters you might encounter, and…

Best Fish Tank Chemicals for a Thriving Aquarium

Best Fish Tank Chemicals for a Thriving Aquarium

As a fishkeeper, you may want the enjoyment of seeing colorful tropical fish swim gracefully before your eyes. But if you’re interested in fishkeeping, you may not realize that having an aquarium also involves biochemistry. To keep fish healthy, it’s important to have aquarium water with the right chemistry. When keeping an aquarium, there are…

How to Get Rid of Algae in Your Fish Tank Effectively

How to Get Rid of Algae in Your Fish Tank Effectively

Algae is a natural phenomenon in water bodies, which means home fish tanks are no exception. It’s common to find algae growing in aquariums, but if left unchecked, those tiny green patches and clumps can quickly overrun the tank and cause all sorts of problems for your fish. When algae overgrows, it competes with fish…

7 Most Common Goldfish Diseases & How to Treat Them

7 Most Common Goldfish Diseases & How to Treat Them

Goldfish are captivating, low-maintenance pets, but they’re not immune to a variety of diseases that can jeopardize their health and well-being—especially if not cared for correctly. And while some diseases are curable, others unfortunately, aren’t. This is why it’s so important to detect diseases early on, so you can promptly intervention and take action.  We,…

The Role of Lighting in Your Fish’s Health and Well-Being

The Role of Lighting in Your Fish’s Health and Well-Being

Aquarium lighting plays a vital role in your fish’s health and well-being. It can also be the key to transforming your tank into a beautiful and appealing environment. The wrong kind of lighting can lead to stress and algae growth in your fish, while the right type can make them more comfortable. Read on to…

Clownfish Care Guide: Everything You Need To Know
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Clownfish Care Guide: Everything You Need To Know

Thanks to Finding Nemo, the clownfish is one of the most well-known fish in the world. Because of this, clownfish are wanted by both children and aquarists alike. They aren’t difficult to keep, but it’s necessary to understand their requirements if they’re to thrive in your aquarium. Setting Up Your Clownfish Tank As you’ll see,…

What Are Self-Cleaning Fish Tanks & How Do I Pick One?

What Are Self-Cleaning Fish Tanks & How Do I Pick One?

Self-cleaning fish tanks offer a low maintenance aquarium option for fishkeepers who may enjoy taking care of their beautiful fish but are turned off by the upkeep that comes with it.  Whether you’re grossed out by dirty fish water, don’t have the time to properly clean your fish tank, or are a beginner fishkeeper who’s…

Do Goldfish Need A Filter?

Do Goldfish Need A Filter?

Goldfish are a beautiful ornamental coldwater fish, common in many fishkeeping households. Goldfish are a great beginner’s fish because they’re hardy, meaning they can survive in fluctuating conditions. Despite their hardiness, we want to give our goldfish a long, healthy life.  Filters are a well-known tool for keeping water quality high and stable, but do…