Can Betta Fish Live with Other Fish? (+ 8 Ideal Tank Mates)

Can Betta Fish Live with Other Fish? (+ 8 Ideal Tank Mates)

Due to their aggressive nature, itā€™s commonly believed that betta fish canā€™t be kept in a community tank. Betta fish are very territorialā€”this behavior has become more so through captive breeding, where they are bred for aggressiveness. Despite this, itā€™s possible to keep betta fish with certain kinds of fish, shrimp, and snails. If you want…

5 Stunning Betta Fish Tank Themes That’ll Earn You Bragging Rights

5 Stunning Betta Fish Tank Themes That’ll Earn You Bragging Rights

Setting up a unique betta fish tank is an exciting way to take your hobby from simple to dazzling. However, the tricky part is finding fish-friendly ornaments to keep your project hazard-free. While decorating, fishkeepers like you and me, lose too many fish from the toxic minerals found in aquarium toys and decorations. Iā€™ve started…

The Ideal Betta Fish Temperature Range and Why It Matters
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The Ideal Betta Fish Temperature Range and Why It Matters

Are you keeping your betta at the right temperature? Depending on their species, various betta fish require different water temperatures. And if your betta is living in an aquarium with the incorrect temperature, it can be detrimental to their healthā€”or even cause death. In this article, youā€™ll learn what happens to your better fish when the…

Healthy Betta Fish vs Unhealthy: Know the Key Differences
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Healthy Betta Fish vs Unhealthy: Know the Key Differences

Despite their simple care requirements, many bettas are not properly cared for by novice fishkeepers, resulting in frequent health issues.  A healthy betta fish has vivid coloration, and elegant finnage, gliding happily through an aquarium.  On the other hand, an unhealthy betta might have symptoms like dull colors, loss of appetite, or fin damage.  If…

10 Betta Fish Diseases: Symptoms, Treatments & Prevention
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10 Betta Fish Diseases: Symptoms, Treatments & Prevention

A sick betta is always cause for concern, but the real issue comes when we donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong. The entire ordeal is taxing for the fish and fishkeeper, as they hope for some relief for the fish. However, if you donā€™t know the common betta fish diseases, it can be tricky to find whatā€™s…

Choosing the Best Fish Tank for Betta Fish in 2023
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Choosing the Best Fish Tank for Betta Fish in 2023

As betta fish owners, we want nothing but the best for our vibrant friends, and it all starts with selecting an appropriate fish tank.  While bettas can survive in small containers like tiny bowls, we should understand that these setups aren’t optimal living environments. In reality, bettas require ample space to swim and explore, a…

Best Food for Betta Fish: When & How to Feed Them
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Best Food for Betta Fish: When & How to Feed Them

Unfortunately, many betta owners purchase their new fish, but donā€™t research their nutritional requirements. This means many pet betta arenā€™t receiving what would be considered optimal nutrition. Bettas are carnivores; their natural prey is insects. Any diet that falls short of what your fish would eat in the wild isnā€™t considered nutritious. The challenge is…

5 Best (And Worst) Betta Fish Tank Mates
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5 Best (And Worst) Betta Fish Tank Mates

Are you a betta fish owner looking to expand your aquarium community? As you may already know, betta fish have fierce personalities, which means you need to carefully select their tank mates to make sure all fish coexist happily together. If you choose the wrong tank mates, you could end up with aggressive fish fights…