Cotton Fin Fungus – Signs and Treatment

Cotton Fin Fungus – Signs and Treatment

Cotton fin fungus is a condition that typically affects aquarium fish with weak immune systems. The condition also goes by the name “Cotton Wool Disease”, characterized by the cotton wool growths on different parts of the affected fish. Although fairly common, it’s important to address the condition immediately before it can cause too much damage….

Dropsy In Fish:  Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Dropsy In Fish: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Dropsy is a condition common among aquarium fish and is typically identified as a symptom rather than the actual disease. A fish showing signs of dropsy may be suffering from underlying problems that need to be separately addressed in order to solve the problem. For fish enthusiasts, here’s what you should know about dropsy. Signs…

What is Ich and How Do I Treat It? The Complete Guide To Treating Ich

What is Ich and How Do I Treat It? The Complete Guide To Treating Ich

Ich (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) or commonly called “white spot disease” is the most prevalent and persistent disease in both freshwater and saltwater fish. People who raise and farm fish or who have them as pets often encounter this disease. Without the proper action and treatment, ich can cause serious problems in fish and can result to…

What Exactly Is Fin Rot? Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

What Exactly Is Fin Rot? Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Fin rot is particularly common among tropical fish, especially those who are kept in freshwater aquariums. Fortunately, this health condition is easy to spot because its physical manifestations are very specific. The fins of aquarium fish typically have smooth or consistent edges. Fish with fin rot have jagged and gradually receding fins. It usually occurs…