Can Betta Fish Live with Other Fish? (+ 8 Ideal Tank Mates)

Can Betta Fish Live with Other Fish? (+ 8 Ideal Tank Mates)

Due to their aggressive nature, it’s commonly believed that betta fish can’t be kept in a community tank. Betta fish are very territorial—this behavior has become more so through captive breeding, where they are bred for aggressiveness. Despite this, it’s possible to keep betta fish with certain kinds of fish, shrimp, and snails. If you want…

13 Fish Tank Hacks Every Pro Knows But Won’t Tell You

13 Fish Tank Hacks Every Pro Knows But Won’t Tell You

When keeping an aquarium, there can be many things to consider. You need to think of water quality, filtration, lighting, and feeding.  Because of this, you can spend a lot of money purchasing aquarium supplies. However, some experienced aquarium keepers have found DIY (Do-It-Yourself) approaches and hacks for aquarium maintenance. The DIY approach to aquarium can…

Understanding and Treating Neon Tetra Disease
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Understanding and Treating Neon Tetra Disease

Neon tetra disease was first discovered in neon tetras, hence the name. And while it’s most common in neon tetras, in actuality, other fish can be susceptible to this disease as well. The bad news is neon tetra disease is a nasty ailment with high fatalities. The good news is it’s preventable. So, what is…

Healthy Betta Fish vs Unhealthy: Know the Key Differences
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Healthy Betta Fish vs Unhealthy: Know the Key Differences

Despite their simple care requirements, many bettas are not properly cared for by novice fishkeepers, resulting in frequent health issues.  A healthy betta fish has vivid coloration, and elegant finnage, gliding happily through an aquarium.  On the other hand, an unhealthy betta might have symptoms like dull colors, loss of appetite, or fin damage.  If…

Neon vs Cardinal Tetra: Similarities and Differences
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Neon vs Cardinal Tetra: Similarities and Differences

Introduction Are you looking to make your aquarium pop with color? Do you want to see dynamic activity taking place in the waters of your tank?  If so, there are two species from the tetra family that will check those boxes, plus more. The fish I’m referring to are the neon and the cardinal tetra….

What Do Mystery Snails Eat: Best Food & Feeding Tips
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What Do Mystery Snails Eat: Best Food & Feeding Tips

Mystery snails are popular additions to home aquariums. They’re beautifully colored, low maintenance, and help control algae growth. Unfortunately, mystery snail nutrition is often overlooked. Do you know what to feed mystery snails? How much and how often should they be fed? Will mystery snails eat your live plants? How do you feed mystery snails…

Best Food for Betta Fish: When & How to Feed Them
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Best Food for Betta Fish: When & How to Feed Them

Unfortunately, many betta owners purchase their new fish, but don’t research their nutritional requirements. This means many pet betta aren’t receiving what would be considered optimal nutrition. Bettas are carnivores; their natural prey is insects. Any diet that falls short of what your fish would eat in the wild isn’t considered nutritious. The challenge is…

The Ultimate Fiddler Crab Care Guide

The Ultimate Fiddler Crab Care Guide

Are you an aquarist looking for a change from keeping fish? The fiddler crab may be what you are looking for. Hardy and engaging, these two-inch creatures are low-maintenance and can live for three years in captivity. Fiddler crabs get their name from the males’ distinctive claws. The males have one claw that’s much larger than the other…

How to Take Care of Your Pregnant Neon Tetra
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How to Take Care of Your Pregnant Neon Tetra

If you’re looking to learn more about your pregnant neon tetra, the first thing you should know is that technically, neon tetras can’t get pregnant as they’re egg layers. The term “pregnant” is usually reserved for when the young develop within the mother’s uterus, as in humans, dogs, and cats. For the sake of this article…