What Do Neon Tetra Eat? A Complete Feeding Guide
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What Do Neon Tetra Eat? A Complete Feeding Guide

Did you know that millions of neon tetras are sold every year? Neon tetras were first discovered in the 1930s in Brazil, Peru, and Colombia and became an instant hit among aquarists due to their brilliant colors, small size, and simple care requirements. Because of this fish’s popularity in the pet trade, it’s a common…

Neon Tetra Lifespan: How Long Do These Bright Fish Live?
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Neon Tetra Lifespan: How Long Do These Bright Fish Live?

Neon tetras (Paracheirodon innesi) are one of the most popular fish among hobbyists. They’re active, brightly colored, inexpensive, and simple to maintain. Neon tetras are found in the Amazon Basin; however, those in the pet trade are often bred in captivity.  In the wild, neon tetras live around ten years, which is twice the amount for those…

A Complete Guide to Mystery Snails Lifespan

A Complete Guide to Mystery Snails Lifespan

The mystery snail (Pomacea bridgesii) is one of the most popular of all the freshwater snail species kept in captivity. This species is found in South America in the wild, and comes in a variety of colors, including blue, gold, purple, orange, black, dark green, and ivory. As with other snail species, the lifespan of mystery snails…

Betta Fish Dropsy Treatment
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Betta Fish Dropsy Treatment

Betta fish are a hardy species commonly kept in captivity; however, they’re susceptible to various diseases if not given optimal care. One of those diseases is dropsy. Betta fish dropsy is an aquarist’s nightmare, as it’s as difficult to spot as it is to treat. Most aquarists will encounter this disease at some point in…

What Is Cotton Wool Disease in Betta Fish?
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What Is Cotton Wool Disease in Betta Fish?

When properly cared for, betta fish are hardy and thrive in captivity; however, they can become afflicted with illness when not properly cared for. One such disease is known as cotton wool disease. This disease is highly contagious and will kill your betta fish if left untreated. That’s why it’s important to know how to recognize and treat…

Discover the Best Freshwater Fish To Make Your 10-Gallon Aquarium Pop!

Discover the Best Freshwater Fish To Make Your 10-Gallon Aquarium Pop!

Selecting the best fish for a 10-gallon tank is not as simple as it may sound. Successfully stocking and maintaining a 10-gallon tank requires some important considerations like the fish species you select and how you set up the aquarium. When selecting fish, it’s important to consider the species’ size, behaviors, and compatibility with other…