Can Male and Female Betta Fish Live Together?

Can Male and Female Betta Fish Live Together?

Betta fish are almost always the choice for new fishkeeping enthusiasts. When setting up your betta fish aquarium, you may have heard the golden rule when it comes to bettas: don’t put two bettas in the same fish tank unless you’re ready for a fish fight. There’s a reason, after all, why betta fish are also…

Why Is My Betta Fish Bloated? Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Why Is My Betta Fish Bloated? Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

A bloated betta fish can bring anxiety for a first-time owner or any fishkeeper for that matter. While bettas have a reputation for hardiness and an ability to survive in poor conditions much longer than other fish species, this doesn’t mean they’re above illness.  Bloat is one of the most common illnesses for betta fish,…

Betta Fish Popeye: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms

Betta Fish Popeye: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms

Betta fish is a freshwater fish having its roots in multiple South Asian Countries, namely Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Bettas are an intrinsic part of the culture and economies of some South Asian countries and are also famous for being the National Aquatic Animal of Thailand.  Domesticated almost 1000 years ago…

All About Swim Bladder Disease in Betta Fish

All About Swim Bladder Disease in Betta Fish

If you’re noticing weird behavior in your betta, like abnormal swimming, floating vertically, on its side, or upside down, there’s a good chance it may have swim bladder disease. I’ve seen this condition with my bettas at least once and will walk you through navigating and treating it. Firstly, there’s no need to panic as…

6 Causes of the Betta Fish Vertical Death Hang & What to Do

6 Causes of the Betta Fish Vertical Death Hang & What to Do

Betta fish, like most other sea creatures, swim horizontally. When something is wrong, however, there’s a chance it starts swimming vertically with its head facing up. Even though this doesn’t last too long and it can go back to swimming horizontally after a few hours, you should still be concerned.  The vertical death hang has…

Do Betta Fish Sleep? Betta Sleeping Patterns & Care Guide

Do Betta Fish Sleep? Betta Sleeping Patterns & Care Guide

If you’re new to betta fish keeping, you might be wondering, “Do betta fish sleep?” The simple answer is yes. But, how do they sleep? And how can you ensure your betta’s environment is set up for a rejuvenating rest? Bettas sleep by staying in one position in different areas of the tank. Mostly, they’ll…

How Long Betta Fish Live and How to Prolong Their Lives

How Long Betta Fish Live and How to Prolong Their Lives

The lifespan of a Betta fish  (also known as a Siamese fighting fish) is a common and essential topic amongst betta fish hobbyists. If you’re a first-time betta keeper, you’re probably wondering how long your fish can live and how to prolong its life.  The average betta fish live from two to five years, although…

Complete Betta Fish Care Guide For Beginners: Everything You Need

Complete Betta Fish Care Guide For Beginners: Everything You Need

Betta splendens (also known as Siamese fighting fish) are an incredibly popular freshwater fish who’s beautiful and vividly coloured tails can be found elegantly swimming in aquariums all around the world. Their wild, eye-catching coloring has made them one of the most popular fish in the aquarium hobby and a lot of misinformation is available…

Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta)

Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta)

The Siamese fighting fish or as they are known to many (Bettas) are small, vibrantly coloured tropical fishes that have captured the hearts of fish lovers around the globe. Their natural habitat are ponds, streams, swamps, rice paddies, even drainage ditches. They adapt well because of their labyrinth organ, allowing them to take in surface air. The water…