How to Take Care of Your Pregnant Neon Tetra
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How to Take Care of Your Pregnant Neon Tetra

If youā€™re looking to learn more about your pregnant neon tetra, the first thing you should know is that technically, neon tetras canā€™t get pregnant as theyā€™re egg layers. The term “pregnant” is usually reserved for when the young develop within the mother’s uterus, as in humans, dogs, and cats. For the sake of this article…

5 Best (And Worst) Betta Fish Tank Mates
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5 Best (And Worst) Betta Fish Tank Mates

Are you a betta fish owner looking to expand your aquarium community? As you may already know, betta fish have fierce personalities, which means you need to carefully select their tank mates to make sure all fish coexist happily together. If you choose the wrong tank mates, you could end up with aggressive fish fights…

What Do Neon Tetra Eat?Ā A Complete Feeding Guide
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What Do Neon Tetra Eat?Ā A Complete Feeding Guide

Did you know that millions of neon tetras are sold every year? Neon tetras were first discovered in the 1930s in Brazil, Peru, and Colombia and became an instant hit among aquarists due to their brilliant colors, small size, and simple care requirements. Because of this fishā€™s popularity in the pet trade, itā€™s a common…

Neon Tetra Lifespan: How Long Do These Bright Fish Live?
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Neon Tetra Lifespan: How Long Do These Bright Fish Live?

Neon tetras (Paracheirodon innesi) are one of the most popular fish among hobbyists. Theyā€™re active, brightly colored, inexpensive, and simple to maintain. Neon tetras are found in the Amazon Basin; however, those in the pet trade are often bred in captivity.  In the wild, neon tetras live around ten years, which is twice the amount for those…

How Long Do Guppies Live? A Complete Guide

How Long Do Guppies Live? A Complete Guide

Guppies are often the first choice for aquarium enthusiasts, thanks to their beautiful colors, easy-going nature, and relatively low maintenance. But how long can you expect these little fish to live? The answer to that question depends on various factors, from genetics to environmental conditions.  How Long Do Guppies Live? Guppies generally have a lifespan…

Why Is My Goldfish Turning Black? Causes & Solutions

Why Is My Goldfish Turning Black? Causes & Solutions

Goldfish are a popular and beloved addition to any fish tank; however, they sometimes develop unusual colorations that can be concerning. One of the most worrisome changes is when a goldfish’s scales, fins, and tail turn black. Several factors, such as disease, environmental stress, and genetics, can cause discoloration.  Below are common causes of black…

Neon Tetras with Bettas: Are They Good Tank Mates?

Neon Tetras with Bettas: Are They Good Tank Mates?

As a child, I bought a betta fish and added it to my community tank. To my horror, I saw the betta lunge toward the surface and attack the other fish. From then on, I believed betta fish couldnā€™t be kept with other speciesā€¦but Iā€™m no longer convinced that this is necessarily true. I realize now that…

Betta Fish Tumor: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment
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Betta Fish Tumor: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

Itā€™s possible to think that each lump on your betta fish is cancerous and fatal when some are not. It can be scary to fishkeepers when their betta fish develops a tumor that causes poor health or even leads to death. It can also be equally dangerous to stick to similar treatments for every lump…

Do Goldfish Need A Filter?

Do Goldfish Need A Filter?

Goldfish are a beautiful ornamental coldwater fish, common in many fishkeeping households. Goldfish are a great beginnerā€™s fish because theyā€™re hardy, meaning they can survive in fluctuating conditions. Despite their hardiness, we want to give our goldfish a long, healthy life.  Filters are a well-known tool for keeping water quality high and stable, but do…

Why Is My Betta Fish Turning White? Causes and Treatments
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Why Is My Betta Fish Turning White? Causes and Treatments

Thanks to hundreds of years of selective breeding, betta fish are now one of the most popular fish in the United States, due in no small part to their vibrant colors. Royal blue and poppy red are the most common, but some species have flowing fins with cream-and-brown dappling or spikey fins with a metallic…