Types Of Betta Fish: Tail Shapes, Colors, and Patterns

Types Of Betta Fish: Tail Shapes, Colors, and Patterns

The betta fish is a freshwater fish from Southeast Asia commonly found in shallow rice paddies, stagnant ponds, marshes, and slow-moving streams. Also known as the Siamese fighting fish, bettas are a unique pet fish with many different types and classifications. They come in various shapes, colors, and patterns, and due to this variation, you may…

Betta Fish Dropsy Treatment
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Betta Fish Dropsy Treatment

Betta fish are a hardy species commonly kept in captivity; however, they’re susceptible to various diseases if not given optimal care. One of those diseases is dropsy. Betta fish dropsy is an aquarist’s nightmare, as it’s as difficult to spot as it is to treat. Most aquarists will encounter this disease at some point in…

Do Betta Fish Need a Filter in Their Tank?
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Do Betta Fish Need a Filter in Their Tank?

While it’s possible to keep a betta without using a filter, it’s safer for the fish and more efficient to use one. This is because manually cleaning a betta tank is not only strenuous, but also time consuming. Although bettas are a resilient breed of fish, every species has a limit and it’s best to…

11 Betta Fish Toys For a Happy Betta
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11 Betta Fish Toys For a Happy Betta

The betta fish, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, is among the most popular tropical fish today due to its bright colors and gorgeous flowing tail. Betta fish have great personalities and will love to interact with you and their environment when they’re happy and healthy.  Many beginner fish keepers are drawn to the…

What Is Cotton Wool Disease in Betta Fish?
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What Is Cotton Wool Disease in Betta Fish?

When properly cared for, betta fish are hardy and thrive in captivity; however, they can become afflicted with illness when not properly cared for. One such disease is known as cotton wool disease. This disease is highly contagious and will kill your betta fish if left untreated. That’s why it’s important to know how to recognize and treat…

Can Male and Female Betta Fish Live Together?

Can Male and Female Betta Fish Live Together?

Betta fish are almost always the choice for new fishkeeping enthusiasts. When setting up your betta fish aquarium, you may have heard the golden rule when it comes to bettas: don’t put two bettas in the same fish tank unless you’re ready for a fish fight. There’s a reason, after all, why betta fish are also…

Discover the Best Freshwater Fish To Make Your 10-Gallon Aquarium Pop!

Discover the Best Freshwater Fish To Make Your 10-Gallon Aquarium Pop!

Selecting the best fish for a 10-gallon tank is not as simple as it may sound. Successfully stocking and maintaining a 10-gallon tank requires some important considerations like the fish species you select and how you set up the aquarium. When selecting fish, it’s important to consider the species’ size, behaviors, and compatibility with other…

Why Is My Betta Fish Bloated? Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Why Is My Betta Fish Bloated? Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

A bloated betta fish can bring anxiety for a first-time owner or any fishkeeper for that matter. While bettas have a reputation for hardiness and an ability to survive in poor conditions much longer than other fish species, this doesn’t mean they’re above illness.  Bloat is one of the most common illnesses for betta fish,…

The Best Freshwater Fish for 5-Gallon Tank

The Best Freshwater Fish for 5-Gallon Tank

Most beginner fishkeepers tend to opt for a 5-gallon tank to start their fishkeeping journey. 5-gallon tanks are a great first aquarium as they’re convenient and small enough to fit in condos or apartments, or in spaces without a lot of room to hold larger aquariums. Because of their smaller size, however, you’ll want to…