Choosing The Best Fish Tank Filter: A Comprehensive Guide

Choosing The Best Fish Tank Filter: A Comprehensive Guide

The filter is a crucial element for a fish tank‘s success as they support maintaining water quality and fish health. Because there are numerous varieties of filters on the market, each with advantages and disadvantages, it can be difficult to choose the best filter, especially for new fishkeepers. There are many different types of filters…

How To Create The Perfect Betta Fish Aquarium: An Expert Guide
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How To Create The Perfect Betta Fish Aquarium: An Expert Guide

Betta fish are popular among aquarium enthusiasts of all levels; however, creating a healthy and happy environment for these fish requires more than just putting them in a water bowl.  In this guide, we’ll provide our expert tips on choosing the right tank, equipment, and water conditions for your betta fish, selecting compatible tank mates,…

How Long Do Guppies Live? A Complete Guide

How Long Do Guppies Live? A Complete Guide

Guppies are often the first choice for aquarium enthusiasts, thanks to their beautiful colors, easy-going nature, and relatively low maintenance. But how long can you expect these little fish to live? The answer to that question depends on various factors, from genetics to environmental conditions.  How Long Do Guppies Live? Guppies generally have a lifespan…

Why Is My Goldfish Turning Black? Causes & Solutions

Why Is My Goldfish Turning Black? Causes & Solutions

Goldfish are a popular and beloved addition to any fish tank; however, they sometimes develop unusual colorations that can be concerning. One of the most worrisome changes is when a goldfish’s scales, fins, and tail turn black. Several factors, such as disease, environmental stress, and genetics, can cause discoloration.  Below are common causes of black…

How Many Snails per Gallon Should You Fit In Your Aquarium?

How Many Snails per Gallon Should You Fit In Your Aquarium?

If you’re thinking about adding some mollusk friends to your aquarium, then snails are a great idea. Snails can be a great addition to any tank, acting as great tank mates for betta fish as well as  practical benefits like algae control. But when it comes to housing your snails, you might have concerns about overcrowding…

Betta Fish Tumor: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment
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Betta Fish Tumor: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

It’s possible to think that each lump on your betta fish is cancerous and fatal when some are not. It can be scary to fishkeepers when their betta fish develops a tumor that causes poor health or even leads to death. It can also be equally dangerous to stick to similar treatments for every lump…

Complete Blue Velvet Shrimp Care Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Complete Blue Velvet Shrimp Care Guide: Everything You Need to Know

The blue velvet shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. blue) is a species of freshwater shrimp with an electrifying blue color. If you’re looking for an addition to your aquarium that’s easy to care for, quickly reproduces, and whose appearance makes for a captivating sight, you’re right to consider this unique breed of shrimp. A bonus? They…

Types Of Betta Fish: Tail Shapes, Colors, and Patterns

Types Of Betta Fish: Tail Shapes, Colors, and Patterns

The betta fish is a freshwater fish from Southeast Asia commonly found in shallow rice paddies, stagnant ponds, marshes, and slow-moving streams. Also known as the Siamese fighting fish, bettas are a unique pet fish with many different types and classifications. They come in various shapes, colors, and patterns, and due to this variation, you may…

Do Betta Fish Need a Filter in Their Tank?
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Do Betta Fish Need a Filter in Their Tank?

While it’s possible to keep a betta without using a filter, it’s safer for the fish and more efficient to use one. This is because manually cleaning a betta tank is not only strenuous, but also time consuming. Although bettas are a resilient breed of fish, every species has a limit and it’s best to…

Why Is My Betta Fish Bloated? Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Why Is My Betta Fish Bloated? Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

A bloated betta fish can bring anxiety for a first-time owner or any fishkeeper for that matter. While bettas have a reputation for hardiness and an ability to survive in poor conditions much longer than other fish species, this doesn’t mean they’re above illness.  Bloat is one of the most common illnesses for betta fish,…