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How To Create The Perfect Betta Fish Aquarium: An Expert Guide

Betta fish are popular among aquarium enthusiasts of all levels; however, creating a healthy and happy environment for these fish requires more than just putting them in a water bowl. 

In this guide, we’ll provide our expert tips on choosing the right tank, equipment, and water conditions for your betta fish, selecting compatible tank mates, and creating an aesthetically pleasing environment for your fish to thrive.

Betta Fish: An Overview

First, here’s a bit of information about betta fish. Also known as Siamese fighting fish, betta fish are native to the rice paddies, swamps, and slow-moving streams of Southeast Asia, where they live in shallow waters with plenty of vegetation. They feed on small insects, larvae, and crustaceans in the wild.

Betta fish are loved for their vibrant colors and exquisite fins, which is something every fish keeper wants in their tank. But, caring for your betta fish goes beyond just adding them to your tank population;you need to understand how to build a thriving environment that mimics their natural habitat to ensure they thrive and live a long life.

For example, betta fish are known for their aggressive behavior, especially towards other male bettas, so that should be considered when setting them up with other tankmates. They also require warm water because of the temperature of their natural habitat, which means a heater is essential in a betta fish tank

Understanding betta fishβ€”their tendencies, preferences, and habitatβ€”is crucial in all betta fish care, including setting up the ideal environment.

What Tank Size is Ideal for Betta Fish?

aquarium tank

Betta fish require a lot of space, so it’s not ideal to leave them in a fish bowl or a cramped space. If you’re considering raising a betta, you should know that each betta  needs at least 5 gallons of space for itself, with additional space above the tank to cater to their tendency to jump and come to the water’s surface for oxygen.

The ideal tank size for your betta fish is a 10-gallon tank. But, of course, if your fish have tank mates, you’ll need to go for a far bigger tank after considering the specific needs of the other tankmates.

You should also consider the shape of the tank you choose for your betta in relation to the surface area. A long and shallow one is advisable because of your fish’s natural inclination to be top dwellers, that means, they need to be on the water’s surface to breathe. Also, remember that the bigger the tank, the easier it is to provide a stable water environment for your betta.

betta fish aquarium essentials

Water Conditions

Now that we know how much water a betta requires to be comfortable, let’s talk about the actual water they live in. It’s okay to use tap water to fill the tank, provided it’s 75 degrees warm, has a pH level of 6.5 to 7.5, and has no ammonia or nitrite levels.

Bettas are tropical fish that prefer warm water with a consistent temperature and slightly acidic pH. That means that while it’s okay to use tap water to fill your tank, the water has to go through specific tests and procedures before it’s deemed fit for your beloved betta. Therefore, we advise that several tests be performed on the tap water to determine its acidity levels and whether contaminants are present. 

You can also treat tap water with a water conditioner before adding it to the tank or get pre-treated water directly from the pet store. That option is more expensive, though. The following are the water requirements for your betta fish.


The water temperature in a betta fish tank should be between 75-80Β°F. Maintaining a consistent water temperature is essential, as anything else will stress your fish or cause illnesses. A good quality heater with a thermostat is needed to do this.

pH level

The ideal pH range for betta fish is slightly acidic, between 6.5-7.5. Maintaining a stable pH is essential, as sudden fluctuations can cause stress and illness in the fish. A pH testing kit can help monitor the tank’s pH levels, and a pH buffer can adjust the pH levels if necessary.

For a more natural approach, aquarium pH can be lowered by adding peat moss, driftwood, and Indian almond leaves. Other methods include using RO systems and CO2 reactors.  An RO system refers to a reverse osmosis system, and it helps filter out contaminants by forcing pressure through a permeable membrane. And, CO2 reactors are devices that disperse the CO2 in an aquarium.

Make sure to monitor pH levels with your testing kit regularly and then take the necessary action if the pH is off.

Ammonia and Nitrite Levels

Ammonia and nitrite are toxic to fish and should be kept at 0 ppm. Regular water changes and a sound filtration system help maintain safe levels of ammonia and nitrite.

Nitrate Levels

Nitrate is a byproduct of the nitrogen cycle in the tank and should be kept below 40 ppm. Regular water changes and a sound filtration system will help maintain safe nitrate levels.

How Often Should You Change the Water in Your Aquarium?

Regular water changes are critical in maintaining your betta’s water environment as it helps maintain good water quality and prevent toxic buildup in the tank. This doesn’t mean you must change all the water in the tank, however, as that can greatly destabilize your betta fish.

A rule of thumb is to change 25% of the water in the tank once a week. Ensure the water is rid of toxins by using a water conditioner, and also try to make the water parameters similar to the water your betta is already used to. You should also remove any uneaten food and debris from the tank and use a gravel vacuum to remove any waste and debris that may have settled on the bottom of the tank.

What Equipment Should the Ideal Betta Tank Have?

10/27/2024 02:28 am GMT Lasso Brag

There are a few pieces of equipment you need to maintain your tank’s water, temperature, pH, and nitrate levels. It might be impossible to maintain an ideal environment without them, so they’re pretty essential. 

Take a quality heater, for example: even if you live in a hot climate, it’s pretty difficult to guarantee that the temperature level of your water will always be within 75 to 80 degrees, so you need a working heater. Your betta tank should have the following:


A good quality filter is vital for removing harmful toxins from the water and maintaining good water quality. The best filter for a betta tank can filter several times an hour without generating excessive flow. This is because betta fish can’t swim in strong currents of water, as their natural habitats are usually slow-flowing, shallow rivers and beds of water.

Choose a filter appropriate for the size of your tank and the number of fish. A good tip would be to prioritize filters that are easy to install and maintain. In addition, consider a filter with adjustable flow settings since bettas prefer slow-moving water.  

The Hygger Super Mini filter is ideal for five gallon tanks, as it takes up little room, consists of detachable parts, and is easy to assemble. For larger capacity tanks, like 10 gallons, the Aquaclear 30 Power Filter, is a lifesaver. It is quick and easy to install, and it offers biological, chemical, and mechanical filtration.

We recommend sponge or internal filters, but the filter you choose must meet the requirements above.


Betta fish are tropical fish and prefer a water temperature of around 75-80Β°F. The heater you get should have a thermostat as you want to maintain consistent water temperature in the tank. Also, choose a heater that is appropriate for the size of your tank and has an automatic cut-off mechanism if the water level drops. The smaller the tank, the smaller the filter, as you don’t want it taking up too much space. 


Natural sunlight directed at your betta tank will cause algae growth and can be hard to regulate, so we don’t advise depending on natural lighting for your betta.

Instead, artificial lights are easy to control and will provide your fish with all the light they need during the day. Consider the following factors when choosing your lighting.

Type of Light

LED lights are a good choice for betta fish tanks because they are energy efficient and long-lasting. They also produce less heat, which is pertinent to maintaining a consistent water temperature in the tank.


Betta fish need light to help regulate their sleep cycles, but too much brightness can stress them out. A general rule of thumb is to provide about 8-10 hours of light daily. Remember that betta fish also need periods of darkness to rest and recharge. Make sure to turn off the lights at night and provide shaded areas in the tank where your fish can retreat if they feel overwhelmed by the light.

Light Color

Blue light can enhance the colors of your fish, while white light is suitable for plant growth. In addition, some LED lights have adjustable color settings to help customize the lighting to your specific needs.

Water Conditioner

A water conditioner is essential for removing harmful chemicals like chlorine and chloramine from tap water. Make sure to choose a conditioner that is appropriate for the size of your tank. SeaChem Prime is a great water conditioner that can change the game for your aquarium. It removes harmful chemicals like chloramine, ammonia, chlorine, and nitrites, and gives your fish a protective coat to improve their health.

Fish Nets

A fish net is vital for catching your fish during water changes or other maintenance tasks. Make sure to choose a net that is appropriate for the size of your fish.

The Ideal Betta Fish Environment

The ideal environment for your betta fish includes the substrate, hiding spaces, and everything else that ensures your betta feels at home in the tank.


Substrate helps to create a natural environment for the fish and promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the tank. Gravel is a popular substrate for a betta fish tank, as it provides a natural-looking environment and is easy to clean. However, you need to choose the right type of gravel and to properly clean and maintain it to ensure the health and well-being of your fish.

When selecting gravel, choose fine-grained gravel that is smooth and rounded, with no sharp edges or rough surfaces that could scratch or damage your fish. Before adding the gravel to your betta fish tank, rinse it thoroughly in a colander under running water to remove any dust or debris. It’s also a good idea to boil the gravel for a few minutes to sterilize it and eliminate any harmful bacteria that could harm your fish.

Once the gravel is clean and sterilized, you can add it to your betta fish tank. Add enough gravel to provide a depth of at least 1-2 inches, allowing beneficial bacteria to grow and help maintain the nitrogen cycle in your tank. Ensure you clean the gravel at least once a week to prevent the buildup of harmful toxins. You can use a siphon or a gravel vacuum to remove debris or waste accumulated on the surface.


Adding decors  like driftwood, rocks, or caves can provide hiding places for your betta fish and create an exciting environment for them to explore. Be sure to choose smooth decor that won’t snag the fins of your betta fish.

Consider making homemade decorations for your fish tank, as they provide a fun and creative way to add personality and visual interest to the tank. Here are some ideas for a DIY aquarium decor:

Pebble Cave

  • Gather a bunch of small, smooth pebbles and wash them thoroughly.
  • Arrange the pebbles in a way that creates a small cave or shelter for the betta fish.
  • Use aquarium-safe glue to secure the pebbles together if necessary.
  • Rinse the pebble cave with water and let it dry completely before placing it in the tank.

Seashell Hideout

  • Collect a few medium-sized seashells and rinse them thoroughly, as you want to avoid unwanted invertebrates in betta fish aquarium 
  • Use aquarium-safe glue to stack the seashells together to create a hiding spot for the betta fish.
  • Rinse the seashell hideout with water and let it dry completely before placing it in the tank.

Driftwood Tree

  • Find a piece of driftwood that has several branches and a stable base.
  • Use aquarium-safe glue to attach small rocks or pebbles to the base of the driftwood to help it stand upright.
  • Place the driftwood tree in the tank and allow the betta fish to swim around and through the branches.
  • Please, ensure you use aquarium-safe materials for your DIY decor and monitor them carefully if they begin to disintegrate, as that might harm your betta fish.

Live Plants

Live plants not only add beauty to the tank but also provide oxygen and help maintain the water quality.

When choosing live plants for a betta fish aquarium, select species compatible with the tank’s environment that can thrive under the tank’s lighting and water conditions. Some good plant options for a betta fish aquarium include java fern, anubias, moss balls, and amazon swords. These plants are relatively easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions.

When adding live plants to the tank, plant them securely in the substrate and regularly trim and prune them to maintain their health and appearance. Dead or dying plant material should be removed promptly to prevent decay and water quality issues.

Some Optional Equipment for Your Betta Tank

UV Sterilizer

A UV sterilizer uses ultraviolet light to kill harmful bacteria and other microorganisms in the water. It can help prevent diseases and maintain good water quality. The Taishan UV Sterilizer is a great fit for your tank setup, as its disinfection lamp can kill up to 99% of bacteria. It can sterilize your tank in as little as 30 minutes, and it is pretty easy to use.

Automatic Feeder

An automatic feeder can help ensure your betta fish are fed on a regular schedule, even when you are not able to be there to feed them. It’s especially useful if you travel frequently or have a busy schedule

CO2 System

A CO2 system can help promote healthy plant growth if you have live plants in your aquarium. It’s optional for a betta fish aquarium, but it can be helpful if you want to maintain a heavily planted tank.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Can I keep other fish or invertebrates with my betta fish?

Yes, you absolutely can but you should consider the space requirements of each fish or invertebrate to ensure you have a big enough tank. You can keep invertebrates like nerite snails, ghost shrimp, and fishes like neon tetras, guppies, and Corydoras catfish. 

The most important thing to note when choosing tank mates is that betta fish are called β€œfighting fish”  for a reason. They can be very aggressive and territorial and won’t react well to any fish or invertebrate that threatens them, either with similarly bright or brighter colors, similar aggressive patterns, or nibbling behavior.

Should I keep a shoal of bettas?

No. Again, bettas, especially the male species, are very aggressive and will not react kindly to another male in their territory. It’s possible to keep female bettas together but keep them in odd numbers as they can get hierarchical. 

How often should I feed my betta?

Preferably once a day, as betta fish have really small stomachs. You can feed them twice a day in small portions if you notice they actively eat it. Watch out for uneaten food pooling at the bottom, as that can get toxic in time.

What should I feed my betta?

Betta fish feeding is diverse and easy to grasp. You can feed them high-quality protein pellets formulated specifically for bettas or frozen food such as bloodworms and brine shrimp.

Betta Roundup

Creating a perfect betta fish aquarium is not just about having a beautiful display but also about providing a healthy and comfortable environment for your fish to thrive. From choosing the right tank size to maintaining the water conditions and adding decorations, there are many factors to consider. As an author, I hope this guide has been informative and helpful. Did you enjoy the article? Please share your thoughts in the comments below, and feel free to share the article with others who may find it helpful. Thank you for reading, and happy fish-keeping!

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One Comment

  1. I bought a boy jet black short fin they forgot to mention floating plants are also essential in a Betta setup promotes breeding and a hiding area from the light and make sure your accessories don’t pose a impingement hazard as Betta need to breath oxygen and can be inquisitive to the point of death by misadventure.

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